The Sony Xperia Z Ultra was unique in that you could navigate the display by using a pen or pencil. For once you didn’t need a capacitive stylus to do the same thing. Now apparently the Xperia Z1 also supports this feature, but Sony disabled it for one reason or another. A new mod enables this, bringing pencil/pen stylus support to the Xperia Z1.
The mod comes courtesy of RyokoN from XDA. AOKP originally introduced the mod, but RyokoN has enabled it on stock Sony Xperia ROMS. To install it there is an apk (download here), although root is required. When using pen mode it increases the sensitivity of the touchscreen, so you’ll need to use the toggle switch to turn it off when not you’re not using a stylus. For further information click here.
Thanks Kevin and Miron!