The Xperia Z1 Compact is very likely to be the last Sony handset that uses an anti-shatter film. The Xperia Z2 will not include one and we understand that future Xperia handsets will also not use shatter proof protectors either.
In a number of recent models the screen protector has also included the Sony logo. This is also the case with the Xperia Z1 Compact. If you want to see how well the screen fares against various very sharp instruments then check out the videos below, which also shows just how to remove that shatter proof film and Sony logo with it.
The video highlights just how easy the ASF scratches, which is likely to be one of the key reasons why Sony has decided to remove it for future models. The tempered glass underneath is likely to fare much better over the long-term, but more than anything, it puts the choice into consumers hands as to whether they want to run a screen protector or not.
Via Btekt.