Firefox OS first made an appearance over a year ago, it is an open-source mobile platform that eschews traditional apps as you know them for ‘web apps’ instead. Sony has supported the project from day one, releasing the Firefox OS experimental ROM for the Xperia E and more recently created widget functionality for the OS.
The operating system has been designed with developing markets in mind and therefore suits entry-level hardware. Despite this Adam Farden decided to test Firefox OS on the Xperia SP. As you would expect with a completely new OS, a number of features do not work including Bluetooth, GPS and the camera.
However, on the plus side, Wi-Fi does work along with calls, SMS and all of the sensors. In fact the performance was felt to be quite fluid overall, with Farden noticing very little OS stutter or lag. At some point, Firefox OS might be a great alternative to Android on older hardware. We’d be certainly eager to give it a try once it matures. In the meantime, check out Firefox OS booting on the Xperia SP below.